Saturday, January 19, 2019

About the Leaders of the Retreat

The Apostles of the Interior Life

The community of the Apostles of the Interior Life was founded in Rome, Italy in 1990 by Father Salvatore Scorza, a priest of the Diocese of Rome. Its members are consecrated women who are dedicated full-time to spiritual direction and evangelization.

Their spirituality is priestly as it comes from the contemplation of Christ the Priest and His work of mediation. The Apostle adheres to this and collaborates in this in virtue of her baptismal consecration and her taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

They desire to love Christ and that which is dearest to His heart - that is, His salvific mission. They privilege above all the means in which He realized His mission during those years of apostolic life in Palestine, through His preaching and His personal encounters. One of the episodes that inspires the community is the conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. Thanks to this encounter, the woman recognized in Jesus the Messiah and becomes in her turn a missionary among her fellow villagers, inviting them to meet the Lord.

The Charism and the Rule of Life of the Apostles of the Interior Life was approved by the Diocese of Rome in 1996.